Corporate laws or law of business associations can be defined as a network of laws which monitor business negotiations and interactions between stakeholders. The word “corporation” is generally synonymous with large publicly owned companies. Earlier, corporate law was understood to be existing within the confines of aspects related to legal personality, aspects related to limited liability, transferable shares, delegated management, board structure and investor ownership but as the industrial age progressed, various stake holders merged in this complex web of corporate law including shareholders, directors, employees, creditors, and other stakeholders such as consumers and the community. Corporate Litigation has become a very important aspect of how a business is run in the current environment. It is no more a post-issue mechanism but also one to avoid possible issues. That is why it is safe to conclude that the companies nowadays cannot depend on an inhouse legal team to pro-actively handle all the aspects of corporate laws. That is why law firms with experience in corporate governance litigation are required to ensure that business can be handled swiftly without getting into legal turmoil.

Industry Challenges & Our Approach

Shareholders agreement/joint venture agreement/Share Purchase Agreement are important documents for any company. The growth of a company is often dependent upon the right investor/joint venture partner. Read more

NCLT is an important forum for adjudication of disputes between shareholders. Drafting petitions/applications and representing clients before NCLT forms the core of any corporate practice. Read more

The basis of corporate matters, including manufacturing, IT and ancillary services, is documentation. Effective commercial documentation is vital to chalk out all responsibilities, obligations and duties of the parties involved. Read more

The IBC Act was enacted in the year 2016, to consolidate and amend the laws relating to re-organization and insolvency of corporate persons, partnership firms and individuals in a time bound manner for maximization of value of assets of such persons and to promote entrepreneurship within the Country. Read more

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